Oral Surgery - Merritt Island, FL

In-Office Surgical Procedures

dr ferrera performing oral surgery procedure

Look No Further

Did you know some dentists provide more than cleanings and crowns but also surgical care? Well, not every dentist. Our team is trained and experienced in providing a range of surgical services at our state-of-the-art practice. Whether a tooth is unsalvageable and needs removal or it’s supporting structure needs replacement, we offer surgical procedures in-house for your convenience. Always taking a conservative approach to care, we will first recommend treatments to save your tooth or overall health before resorting to surgery. However, if you’re experiencing bone loss that is affecting your oral function or if an infected tooth doesn’t respond to a root canal and is threatening the health of surrounding teeth, we offer oral surgery in Merritt Island, FL, including tooth extractions and bone grafting.

dental patient with tooth pain

Do You Need Oral Surgery?

  • Severe and lasting toothache
  • Tooth unresponsive to root canal
  • Oral trauma or damaged tooth
  • Bone loss threatening tooth loss
  • Preparing for dental implants
damaged tooth graphic

Tooth Extractions: Remove Harmful Teeth

When a tooth is infected the bacteria can spread to the supporting gums and even to surrounding teeth. What was once a single-tooth problem can quickly turn into a whole-mouth issue. Our team strives to offer the comprehensive care you need to restore complete health. Once we’ve exhausted all other options for saving a tooth, we may recommend a tooth extraction. On the day of your procedure we’ll offer sedation dentistry to ensure you’re comfortable throughout your visit. Using specialized tools, we’re typically able to remove our patient’s teeth faster than they expected. We highly recommend receiving bone grafting (socket preservation) after your tooth extraction and in many cases can even replace your tooth in the same day with a dental implant! Receiving these additional treatments can not only further secure your oral health, but they can also restore your confidence and natural-looking aesthetics.

Don't Postpone Your Dental Care

Schedule your appointment today!
bone graft graphic

Bone Grafting: Restore Your Smile’s Foundation

Your jawbone’s primary function is to provide a firm foundation for your teeth. After tooth loss, the bone can begin to degrade. Without a tooth root signaling the bone to grow, your jawbone will recede and may even lead to facial shape that appears “sunken in” or prematurely aged. Bone grafting empowers us to rebuild the missing bone in density and volume. This process entails placing a small amount of bone material into the decayed areas and over time allowing it to fuse with the healthy bone. We not only reconstruct the bone, we shape it for a natural, even-looking smile. With a strong jawbone, you can restore a healthy foundation for your smile and become a candidate for life-changing dental implants!

Look no further. Receive the comprehensive care you need today!

Schedule your consultation to get started.

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